We want to thank those who have generously offered their time, effort, talent, advice, service or product that helps to make this web site possible:
- Optimist Gord Welling (AMS&NW District Web Services Chair) who designed our club website.
- Fellow Optimists who volunteer their time and effort with their Clubs and who contribute the news articles and digital photographs for this site.
- Optimist International for us with the opportunity to participate and contribute to this wonderful community service organization.
- Blogger.com for hosting our web site.
- Emailmeform.com for providing us with free webmail form services.
- Google for providing us with a email accounts, calendar services, web album hosting, and customized website search services.
- Feedburner for hosting the news feeds from our District OptiNews blog.
- Box.Net for providing a means to host public downloadable files.
- YouTube for hosting the club's video channel.
- SlideShow.com for providing a means to host a District powerpoint/slideshow channel.
- Volunteerspot.com from providing a means to organize volunteers for club activities.