Monday, May 2, 2011

May 9th Meeting & April 29th update

Next meeting is on Monday, 6:15 p.m. May 9, 2011 at the Royal Fork. Your editor understands that two guests will be present but can not confirm any details. This will be a regular meeting and we will hear reports on our Bicycle Safety and other spring events. Upcoming projects such as the Eskimos Football Parking will be announced. All members are urged to attend this most important meeting.

Our Last Special meeting was on Friday April 29 and about 21 members guests enjoyed the oratorical presentation chaired by Opt Wyn. The CCDHH contest was originally announced but due to an in sufficient number of entry’s this contest was not held. However instead we had an oratorical presentation at the Royal Fork. Lt Gov Trevor along with Leduc members Opt Ray and Connie Venturin and President Shayne, were visiting and supporting the oratorical presentation. Congratulations are extended to Deon Nicholos of Edmonton who will be competing in the Regional oratorical contest in Calgary on May 7 . Deon’s mother, brother and cousin also attended the presentation.

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