President Wyn is no stranger to Optimism or our club. She first joined in 1959 and was an Opti-Mrs which was a separate club and became the money earning arm of the Beverly Optimist Club of Edmonton. This is President Wyn’s second term of Presidency of our club and she is excited to take this on again as our club has grown and changed from the previous term. Pres. Wyn’s pet project is the oratorical contest and this has grown to include our club’s and Zone 5's Essay and CCDHH contest. Opt Wyn currently is the AMS& NW District Chair for

the CCDHH contest. She has also served on the District as Protocol and Oratorical Chairman. She is an extremely active member and does or has done just about everything in our club. She celebrated her 90th Birthday this year and was awarded the Governor Generals Caring Canadian Award in 2008.
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